ISBN: 9780645108088
Publication Date:
June 2021
K.J Rowe
Part of the Casts of Silver series

When two opportunities arise for Lexi Slaydon, her peaceful Christian life in the beachside town of The Valley, is about to be shaken up.

Will the opportunities help her grow, or will they try to bring her down?

The author does a very good job of showing how Lexi finds herself in a situation where she couldn’t escape the danger that came at her. From this traumatic event it shows how God turns what the enemy meant for bad into good. The story reminds us to trust God and listen to Him at all times.


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If you are looking for a moving and touching work of fiction or teens and Young Adults or because you personally enjoy powerful works of Christian fiction that include someone finding their calling, check out this book for yourself.

Patti Peirce


The theme of the content is so very relevant to our youth of today and the challenges they face. Peer pressure versus someone who wants to stand up for what they really believe to be right. Making right choices when under pressure of friends and work. Highly recommended.

Lynnette Grae


Always, Your Sister


Travels of a Wimpy Mum: Finding Courage through the Book of James