The Silk Merchant of Sychar
ISBN: 9781925563788
Publication Date: November 2019
Author: Cindy Williams
One woman, five husbands and a weary rabbi at the well who knows everything she ever did.
The day after they bury her husband Leah Marcellus loses her baby. A widow and childless, what man will want her now?
Her father arranges a second marriage – a profitable business arrangement – sealed on Mount Gerizim, the holy mountain where every true follower of Yahweh worships. But Leah’s heart belongs to another. Her passion only brings trouble - jealousy, murder and lies.
Leah’s skill at the loom and the secrets of dye – the woad, the murex and madder – brings her renown among the Roman women of wealth. Yet death and betrayal soon steal her security. Leah is determined to protect her family ... at any cost.
From the olive groves of Samaria to the bloodied sand of a Roman stadium to the exquisite silks brought from the East, The Silk Merchant of Sychar weaves colour into the biblical account of the woman at the well.
I was totally absorbed in the world Cindy Williams has recreated from her meticulous research into the setting and customs of first century Samaria, Rome and nearby lands.
The olive groves, the grit, the rich hues of fabric, and the aroma of chickpeas simmering in spices were brought to life. The reader is swept along with tales of cruel bloodshed and murder, Roman court intrigue, as well as overwhelming desire and resultant unbridled passion.
The author’s insight and lyrical prose kept me turning the pages, until the stunning biblical finale. A recommended read!Jean Saxby
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A believable, well researched story, inspired by a passage in John's Gospel, about a Samaritan woman living in the 1st century.
Kindle Customer
The Silk Merchant of Sychar was a well-written and enthralling story. Cindy Williams took an encounter Jesus had with a woman by a well and wove it into a story full of surprises. Her telling of Leah’s journey carried me every step of the way with her, through her joys and heartaches, her pain and suffering, her strength and doubts, but most of all, her determination to be her own woman. The author’s descriptions of time and place were excellent and her use of language made it a joy to read this book.
Cathy M Donnelly