ISBN: 9780994563934
Publication Date:
August 2023
Jenny Glazebrook Part of the Trinity Lakes Series

Can two hurting hearts find where they belong?

Hallie Hollaway is the daughter of missionaries and a child prodigy who desperately wants to fit in. Josh Ladan is the pastor’s kid who once dreamed of following in his father’s footsteps. Until one tragic summer in Australia changed everything.

Can Hallie and Josh allow God to work in their hearts and lives to restore trust and hope for a future together?

I love this book, I love the characters, there is so much compassion in this story. I love the way the story unfolds. There is friendship, romance. You will fall in love with Hallie, Josh and the Junk man. I highly recommend this book and the Trinity Lake series to anyone.

- Kris

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A HEALING READ: This book set so many pieces of my little-girl heart into place that I didn’t know were still broken. Thank you.

- Abigail Probus


A fascinating story of healing and spiritual growth. Josh is handicapped by a traumatic head injury and has given up on his dreams. Hallie's parents did not demonstrate love. Then, as an adult she falls victim to an online pedophile and has to flee to Trinity Lakes. There the two re-establish the connection they had as children. Both suspense and humor make this an excellent read. You will not want to put it down.

- Damon Heinrich


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