Flying Blind
ISBN: 9781761110399
Publication Date: February 2022
Author: Rosanne Hawke
Musical 15-year-old Essie is missing her dad; her friend at school is treating her strangely and a new boy with an army of siblings moves into their coastal town from the Outback.
If this isn’t enough to deal with, a junior lifesaver sweeps her out of the sea when she’s hightailing it to the shore after sighting a fin.
It was a dolphin after all, so she wasn’t really in trouble. Does that mean he likes her?
Sometimes searching for significance and trying to fit in will lead to blind loyalties before we can recognise our true friends.
A story of friendship, family and coming-of-age, ‘Flying Blind’ takes an insightful look at what it really means to be fifteen and caught between family expectations and peer pressure.
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