ISBN: 9781761110979
Publication Date: June 2022
Author: Natalie Lonsdale
Boondaburra is sad. Why do the other animals make fun of him just because he is different?
When tragedy strikes in the Australian bush, Boondaburra learns that being unique has its advantages.
This is the story of a platypus’ journey from rejection to accepting and understanding his uniqueness, and the friends who come to accept and admire those differences.
A good book to use with young readers to talk about teasing and bullying, as well as calling and design.
Novel Insight
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Available at Harper Entertainment Distribution Services (HEDS); or Contact publisher for assistance: Wombat Books.
Boondaburra tells the story of a sweet little platypus who finds joy swimming in the billabong. Sadly, his joy is overwhelmed by pain of rejection as other animals make mean remarks about his physical appearance. Boondaburra’s kind and wise mother tries to help him understand that there is a purpose for all God’s unique creations. Boondaburra soon discovers first hand that his mother’s message is true. In the event of a devastating bushfire, his unique features allow him to help in a way nobody else can. This book provides a sensitive and compassionate space to explore the experience of teasing and bullying with primary school aged children. Poignant illustrations invite empathy for Boondaburra, particularly for children who may have relatable experiences. Boondaburra’s discovery may challenge children to reconsider the unique features of self and others from a perspective that appreciates individuality. The colourful illustrations are a celebration of unique native fauna. Attractive font complements the lovely Australian bush setting. Boondaburra makes an ideal gift for picture book lovers from Australia, and abroad.
Sally S